Saturday, July 12, 2008

Swimming Lessons

Alyssa had her first swim lesson today.  She did very well.  There are only four kids per class.  All of the kids sit on the step while they watch the teacher work with another kid.  Of course, Alyssa didn't want to sit so she kept sliding down to the next step.  The teacher told her that if she didn't stay put that she would have to get out of the water.  Alyssa decided to test her and had to sit on the edge of the pool for one round.  It was nice to see the teacher follow through and Alyssa listened from that point forward.  It was really funny to watch too!  She got to make bubbles with her face in the water, practice kicking, practice making scoopers with her hands, jump in the water from the step, and float on her back.  We will be going to swimming every Saturday through December.  Alyssa loves the water and it was nice seeing her following directions and learning from other kids her age.  

1 comment:

Sam- Hypnotoad said...

She still did very well, despite getting in trouble. LOL! Our Minnow is growing up!