Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Two, Three, Five More Minutes

The 4 B’s bedtime ritual of Bath, Bottle, Book, and Bed worked like a charm from the beginning.  Even after the bottle was no longer needed, we continued the same ritual every single night without ever skipping and our daughter went right to bed.  That is, until she figured out that we’re really not in bed when she is.  She began coming out of her room just to see what we were doing and then we’d tuck her back in bed.  Then, she started her own ritual.  First time up, she had a booger on her finger.  Second time, she wanted a drink of water.  Third time, she had to go potty.  Fourth time, she wanted to snuggle.  The stall tactics were all in place and she managed to extend her bedtime routine by an additional 30 minutes.

While we no longer get called in for booger duty, we still get called for snuggles.  What parent can deny snuggle time?  “Mommy, will you snuggle with me?” she asks.  Once Mommy has finished snuggle time, she now says, “I want my Daddy.”  Daddy goes in for his snuggle time and then she goes to sleep.  Last night, I was finished snuggling and she said, “No Mommy, just two more minutes, okay, three more minutes.”  I replied, “Just three more?”  She answered, “Just five more minutes.”  I just smiled.


Sam- Hypnotoad said...

snuggle time is the best time! But very hard to draw the line of giving her what she wants verses enjoying quality snuggle time

Chanda said...

Very true! Sometimes, it's just hard for me to say no.

angiemangie2 said...

Ok.. So now she knows that you're a sucker for 'snuggle time'. If you continue to give into this, she'll find all kinds of things to drag you into that you'd rather not do... she'll blink her little eyes and say please and you'll be done..kaput, finito, etc.
How about have a new routine? Like having snuggle time right after bathand book? (not in her bed though because that'll be all kinds of drama later!!) Or bath then snuggle while doing book? Whatever you choose maybe you can work in that 'secure' time she's craving.
Addison and I watch Baby Einstein these days. She spreads out a blanket and we get pillows from the couch and then we listen to the music and watch whatever animal is going across the screen. Then it's jammies and teeth and bed. We've not done the story lately but she gets movie w/mom time so that takes away from other activites..
I hope you guys find a routine that works for you!