Sunday, August 24, 2008

Bra Shopping

I thought this was funny. I went bra shopping yesterday and when I turned around Alyssa had one on! She said, “Look Mommy! I have a bra too!” Of course, I couldn’t just let that one slip by without taking a picture. I’m quickly learning that it’s no longer easy to go shopping with a kid in tow. When she was little, she was happy to have a tray full of Cherrios. Now, she’s pulling tags and stickers off clothing, getting out of her stroller, hiding in clothing racks, standing up in her stroller, whining that she wants a snack or drink, and saying that she has to go potty all the time. It kind of takes the fun out of shopping. However, when something silly like this happens, you forget about the rest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh man, I hope Nate doesn't do that. haha! The last time I let Nate out of the stroller or cart while shopping, he thought it was funny to push a HUGE banner hanging from the ceiling in Kohls. Back in the stroller he went but I have to constantly remind him not to pull on the clothes tags or yank them off hangers. ha!