Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Screaming Banshee

Have you ever purchased a toy that has that tag sticking out of the battery compartment that says it's to be removed after purchase?  Upon removal of the tag, the toy plays at full volume and it's no longer in demo mode.  Well, I'm feeling like my daughter had her tag pulled out as soon as she turned "3."  Her behavior last night was so unbelievable that I am speechless.  I've gone over all the should of, could have, would haves, but the fact is that I didn't.  I have never been so embarrassed in my life.

Alyssa likes to ride on the shopping cart.  She holds the handle and puts her feet up while I push her.  I watch her carefully because she tends to step down and want to push the cart instead. Well last night there was water in her spot, so she moved around to the front of the cart.  This made me nervous because if she were to step down the cart would hit her shins.  Besides that, I didn't want her riding in the parking lot.  So, I picked her up and put her in the back of the cart.  It was like putting a cat in a bathtub.  She flung her arms and legs outward and kicked and screamed that she didn't want in the cart.  After a brief struggle, she was in the cart.

Then, she decided to start screaming that she didn't want to sit in the cart.  I held her arm so she wouldn't flip out and kept walking, ignoring her screaming.  The screams became louder and louder until she was actually shrieking the entire way.  I looked at her totally speechless and she made eye contact and screamed louder!!!  People were staring at us and I just continued on and put her in the car.  I've never experienced a total meltdown like this, so it caught me off guard.

The "Screaming Banshee" was taken home, given a quick bath, and put to bed without any reading time or snuggling time.  She knew what she had done was wrong.  This morning, the first thing out of her mouth was, "I screamed at Mommy at Costco.  I screamed like this (shriek)."  I asked if she was sorry and she nodded her head.  Then, I gave her a big hug.  Let's hope that this doesn't repeat itself.  I'd like to keep my sanity for the time being.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Wasn't that nice of her to remind you how she screamed at Costco? ha! Like you wouldn't remember. Good thing you were on your way to the car. LOL! Hopefully you won't have too many of those eye-popping episodes!

Chanda said...

Yes, I remember quite clearly. If something like that happened in a store and not in a parking lot, I'd just abandon ship and leave. We did have a talk and she said she won't scream anymore, so we'll see!