Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Mommy's Lullaby

When Alyssa was a baby, I rocked with her every night before bed. I wanted to talk to her to comfort her, but didn’t know quite what to say. So, I made up a lullaby and sang to her instead.

Don’t cry, my baby girl,
Don’t even shed a tear.
Mommy is here,
there’s nothing to fear.
Don’t you cry, baby girl.

It helped with the crying and as she got older I began singing it less and less. Soon crying wasn’t the issue anymore…staying in bed was. So, I changed the words and sang a new version. I don’t sing it very often anymore and didn’t even know that she knew it until tonight. She was sitting in the bath holding her little Dora toy like a baby and she sang…

Close your eyes, my baby girl,
Just you go to sleep.
Don’t make a peep,
Just go to sleep.
Close your eyes, baby girl.


Sam- Hypnotoad said...

Yeah it's amazing how her memory is holding onto so much information. If I tell her before school we are going to paint in the studio or play music on the computer that is the first thing she says when I pick her up!

Anonymous said...

How sweet!! Just when you think they're not really listening, they surprise you.