Tuesday, April 7, 2009

"Can I Drive?"

Alyssa has asked twice now if she can drive to school. Here is today’s conversation:

Alyssa: “Can I drive?”
Mommy: “No.”
Alyssa: “Why Mommy? I’m a big girl.”
Mommy: “Yes, you’re a big girl, but you’re too little to drive.”
Alyssa: “I’m not little. I’m huge! I can do it.”
Mommy: “Well, you have to wait about 15 more years.”
Alyssa: *crying* “I want to drive to school!”

I think this was a flash forward about 12-13 years into the future where this conversation is destined to occur again with the same end result… lots of crying. I never imagined having this conversation with a 3-year-old. I think I’ll distract her from playing in the driver’s seat. I wouldn’t want her to get any ideas.


Anonymous said...

After being a youth pastor, we've decided that teens and toddlers are the same....they both want their independence but still dependent on mom and dad. LOL

Sam- Hypnotoad said...

I let her drive the other day! Only ran a few red lights!