Sunday, June 29, 2008

Piles of Lumps

I'm not quite sure what to call this. It's something that Alyssa does quite often and rather enjoys doing it. It involves taking every single stuffed toy and doll that she has and telling each one to take a nap. The catch is that they all have to have their own blankie. So, she completely empties the bottom drawer of her dresser and puts all of her animals and dollies to sleep. In this picture, she decided to join them, but she's faking sleep with sound effects (aaahhh choooo ...snoring). I'm quite amused by the entire process until it comes time to put all of the blankies away. It's not as fun to fold them all up as it is to watch. She has so much fun doing this. I love listening to her talk to her dollies and tell them that they have to take a nap if they want nummies (our word for something yummy). If they don't listen to her, she'll tell them that if they don't take a nap they'll get a time out. It's so cute! If all I have to do is fold's totally worth it!

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