Sunday, August 9, 2009

Alyssa's 4th Birthday

Princes and princesses from across the land joined us on Saturday to celebrate Princess Alyssa's 4th birthday. The royal festivities began with the crowning of our little princes and princesses with crowns and tiaras, royal jewels, and some sparkles from their Fairy Godmother.

We started off with Aladdin's Magic Carpets (a/k/a musical chairs) where each prince and princess had to hop on a magic carpet when the music stopped. Then, it was off to Royal Bingo where they had to mark their cards with Skittles while resisting the temptation to eat their game pieces. We finished up the games with "Pin the Fin on Ariel," a Princess version of Pin-the-Tail-on-the-Donkey.

A royal feast was provided for the guests. Then, it was time to open gifts. The princes and princesses were so well-behaved. They all sat around as Alyssa opened her gifts, each one anxiously awaiting for her to pick theirs. She was thrilled to see that someone got her the Ariel head that she really, really wanted. She loves this toy! She even took a nap with it after her party. She was also excited to get her Ariel bath set. It's a play set for in the tub that is lots of fun. She was so happy to get her favorite movie "Enchanted." She watched it after her birthday nap. She was walking around the house singing, "That's how you know... you love her..." It's so sweet listening to her sing!

The big birthday surprise was a new bike from Mommy & Daddy. She was so excited! She's been playing outside a lot with the neighborhood kids and wanted her own "big girl" bike with a basket and bell. All of the princes and princesses wanted to try out the new bell. It was adorable!

We all sang "Happy Birthday" and then it was Princess cupcakes and ice cream for all. It was a royal celebration to remember.

Our little Princess is turning 4!

1 comment:

Sam- Hypnotoad said...

You through an amazing 4th party for her. She is very lucky. I loved the face when the bike came out!