Thursday, July 9, 2009

My Little Fish

Alyssa has been in swimming lessons at Aqua-Tots since last August. We go every week for 30 minutes. In that time, I've seen improvements during her lessons, but I had no idea how well she was swimming until last weekend. We spent the 4th of July weekend at the Westin Kierland Resort & Spa. They have a wonderful family pool with a large section for kids that goes up to 3 ft. deep. She was swimming like a fish! I am filled with amazement and absolutely speechless over her swimming.

She can swim from the middle of the pool to the side without taking any breaths, then climb out of the pool on her own. She loves to dive for her Disney Princess toys and rings. When she misses one, she pops up for a breath and quickly dives back down. She watched another little girl do a summersault under water and quickly did the same. She loves to jump in the deep end and quickly swims to the surface. She can even jump in the deep end, surface, float on her back, and then swim back to the side of the pool. Her favorite thing to do in the pool is to have Daddy toss her high in the air. She pops back up and asks for more. She is amazing!

I simply cannot find the words to express how impressed I am and how pleased I am with the instructors at Aqua-Tots. I am very confident that if my daughter fell into a swimming pool that she would be able to swim to the edge and get out. She is learning the fundamentals of swimming that will be with her a lifetime. I'm so very thankful that she's developed confidence in the water and is not fearful to try new things. She has quickly advanced through her classes and I'm very proud of her! Way to go, my little fish!


Sam- Hypnotoad said...

I am so proud of her and her accomplishments in the pool. She is amazing and watching her explore the pool and play with other kids her age and even older was awesome! Look forward to our next year resort stay! Or maybe another weekend in August? ; -)

Jen, sous chef said...

Hmmm...swim lessons have been one of those on my "to do" list for almost a year now and is nagging at me quite a lot lately so this is timely...Now I feel motivated. Way to lead Alyssa!

Anonymous said...

That's great! I realized that we should've started Nate on swim lessons when I took him swimming at the neighbor's pool. He's braver now about jumping into the pool but he doesn't like anything that he can't control. Thanks for the plug on Aqua Tots. I'll have to check them out for Tucson.