Thursday, July 16, 2009

First Tennis Lesson

Every morning for the past two years we have driven past the Deer Valley High School tennis courts. As we pass, we yell out "Moon shapes!" Those are the moon-shaped cut-outs in the tarps covering the fencing around the courts. Just recently, Alyssa started asking, "What is that?" Of course, I responded, "Moon shapes!" To which she replied, "No, what is it?" So, every day we've been talking about the tennis courts. I told her Daddy would teach her to play and every day as we pass she says, "Can we play tennis?" Yesterday, I told her we would play after dinner.

She was so excited to get out her racquet and hit balls. Daddy showed her how to hold the racquet and swing even with her waste. I still remember when I was 19 and he taught me how to play tennis with the same methods. First step, learning how to swing the racquet properly and connect with the ball. It's just like spanking a baby, but you're spanking the tennis balls. Alyssa got a kick out of that! "Spank the baby!" she said as she hit the balls. She never ceases to amaze me! She was making great contact and hitting a majority of the balls that Daddy bounced to her. There's nothing greater than the look she has on her face when she does something she's proud of. It makes me smile!

As we were practicing hitting, Alyssa would run around picking up the balls for us. It was really nice to have a ball girl. We're looking forward to getting back into tennis. We haven't played since before she was born. We fell in love playing tennis together and it's so wonderful to finally share that with our daughter. My husband is an amazing tennis player and great teacher. I love watching her learn something new from her Daddy. It's something she will cherish for the rest of her life.


Sam- Hypnotoad said...

This was a lot of fun, many years to come tennis can bring a family a lot of joy.

Anonymous said...

Wow! She looks like a natural! Much better than my tennis attempt. LOL!

Catherine C. said...

Super cute! With a form like that, I bet she would even beat me! Go Alyssa!