Thursday, July 2, 2009

Good Job, Daddy!

Last night, Alyssa asked if she could put stickers on the papers that she brought home from school. As she was putting on the stickers, she was telling herself, "Good job!" Her coloring is just amazing! She doesn't just pick one color and stay in the lines, she selects multiple colors and blends them. Naturally, all of her pictures are well-deserving of a sticker.

Someone else received a "Good job!" sticker last night too. Alyssa awarded one to Daddy for the good job he did on his painting. He's had weeks of artist block and finally started painting again. She placed the sticker right in the middle of his painting and said, "Good job, Daddy!" Of all the thoughts going through his head, he smiled and said, "Thank you, honey!"

Luckily, the sticker came off without damaging the painting. It's hard to explain that we don't put stickers on Daddy's paintings. When Alyssa does a good job painting or coloring at school, she gets a sticker. She was just rewarding Daddy for the good job he did. He earned that sticker and he should be proud!

1 comment:

Sam- Hypnotoad said...

It was a crappy painting anyways, but glad he didn't ruin it. She is so cute! I love her how she is into the arts.