Monday, June 8, 2009

Two Mommies

It's hard to be serious sometimes when your child says or does something so silly that you burst into laughter. Last week, Alyssa was up to her bedtime antics of running around and not listening. When I discipline, I get down to her level and make sure she is looking at me when I am talking to her. She was looking off to the side, so I told her to look at my eyes when I'm talking to her. As her eyes met mine, she made them cross-eyed. I raised my voice, then she looked at me straight and went cross-eyed again. As she crossed her eyes she said, "Look! Two mommies are yelling at me." At a time when I needed to be authoritative, I clearly failed. I immediately busted up laughing. As I was laughing, she looked straight again and said, "One Mommy," then crossed her eyes and said, "Two Mommies." She then asked me to cross my eyes to see if there were two Alyssas and, of course, there were. We both got a good laugh and she asked me if I thought she was funny. Yes, I thought it was hilarious! We had a good laugh and a big hug. Now, when she wants to be silly, she looks at me with crossed eyes and says, "I see two Mommies."

1 comment:

Sam- Hypnotoad said...

Now this is funny. I love her sense of humor but sometimes when you are frustrated with her you can't help bust up when she does something funny.