Thursday, June 4, 2009

Just Like Daddy

For the past month, Alyssa has been drawing on the back of her color sheets from school. All of the kids get the same sheet with a picture to color. Alyssa is usually the first person to finish her color sheet, so she flips the page over and draws on the back while everyone else is still coloring. Yesterday, to my surprise, I flipped the page over and it was an amazing drawing of me! She gave me purple hair because she knows it’s my favorite color and wrote “MOM” at the bottom. It’s just beautiful! I love all the green eyelashes. When I asked her about the drawing, she just smiled and said, “It’s you!”

I was looking through the other papers she brought home and didn’t realize there was a second drawing. When I asked her who it was, she told me it was daddy. These drawings are just amazing. I’m impressed that her stick figures are developing into detailed faces. It’s also interesting how she selects and blends her colors instead of just using one crayon. I think she definitely has daddy’s artistic talent.

I asked her to draw me another picture today. I can’t wait to see it!

1 comment:

Sam- Hypnotoad said...

I love her talent but I love the honesty of any child's work. All children are gifted artists, they have no barriers and they create from with in.