Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Packing Lunch for Daddy

A few weeks ago, Alyssa came to me in the morning and asked what I was doing. I told her I was packing lunch for Daddy. She asked if she could do it and I helped her put his lunch into the bag. Little did I know that she'd be packing his lunch from that day forward. One day, it was all packed before she got out of bed and she cried, "I wanted to pack lunch for Daddy!" So I said, " You can do it tomorrow." Sure enough, she heard me in the kitchen the following morning, hopped out of bed, and came to pack Daddy's lunch. At first, she was just throwing things into the bag. I explained to her that the heavy things go on the bottom and soft things like a banana go on top. Yesterday, we were packing a can of soup and she looked at me and said, "Heavy things on the bottom." It's also great motivation to wake her in the morning and get her out of bed. I just say, "Time to get up! Don't you want to pack Daddy's lunch?" She gets right up and heads towards the kitchen. This is obviously very special to her and Daddy is very appreciative (even when some things get smashed). She has obviously observed me doing getting things ready every morning and wants to help. I think it's wonderful!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very cute! I still had to pack my dad's lunch up until I married Don. Maybe that's why Don is responsible for his own lunch. haha. That's cool that she loves to be a big helper. She's learning so fast.