Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Glowing Lizards

It's always an experience cashing in the tickets from the arcade and choosing a "prize," especially when you don't have enough tickets to get the good ones. Alyssa had her choice between a Spiderman tattoo, crayons, and a glow-in-the-dark lizard. She chose the lizard and was quite excited about it. When we got home, I showed her how to hold him in the light and take him into the dark to see him glow. This was quite fascinating! She played with him in her playhouse for a while and then it happened. He disappeared!

She was sobbing that her lizard was gone and she could not find him. We searched her playhouse (with lights on and off) looking for him, but he was not there. We looked everywhere! He was nowhere to be found. I never imagined the drama that could result from a tiny glow-in-the-dark lizard. She continued to ask for him throughout the night. Our best guess is that she had him in the bathroom. If she was holding him and he fell into the toilet, then he was flushed away. Nevertheless, he was gone.

Desperate to hear her stop asking for him, I went to Party City in search of glow lizards. Yes! I found a bag of them. I gave Alyssa three to play with and saved the rest "just in case." No more than 10 minutes has passed and she was sobbing again. The lizards were gone! Unbelievable! So, I searched and there they were on the carpet by her playhouse. All was good for about 10 more minutes and the sobbing started again. The lizards were gone! Apparently, she decided to grab the markers to color her playhouse and sat them on the counter. It took me a little longer to find them this time around. Yes, we have spares, but I don't know how much longer I can handle their disappearances. These little guys sure are stirring up a lot of trouble.

1 comment:

Sam- Hypnotoad said...

Yeah, she was furious about losing that lizard. I think the connection was the fact she won it. Not the lizard itself. Either way, glad we are stocked up with glow and the dark lizards!

Great post!