Wednesday, December 3, 2008

You Wet It, You Wipe It

I thought potty training was complete when your child stops wearing diapers/pull-ups and starts using the potty.  Seems pretty simple, doesn't it?  Well, I've discovered that potty training continues long after the big switch from pull-ups to panties.  It's the "training" part that I've been working on for the past month.  While we've been fortunate enough to not have any bedtime accidents, we are having paper training issues.  That's right, "You wet it, you wipe it!"  My daughter can't seem to get that through her head.  Boys don't use paper, why should she?  She uses the potty and pulls up her panties.  Then, she walks funny and complains that her panties are wet.  I've reached the point of frustration and cannot understand why she will not use paper.  The problem is that she knows what she's doing.  Sometimes, she'll say, "I used paper, Mommy," and I praise her.  Yet, other times she'll choose not to and she makes this little smirk when I ask her about it.  She has a facial expression that she does when she's embarrassed or has done something that she knows is wrong.  I just don't get it! 

The other part of training I've been working on is getting her to poop in her own bathroom.  Instead, she goes in ours because she doesn't want to make hers stinky.  It took me a while to get her to start using hers.  Now she asks if I'll spray after she goes.  It cracks me up!  She recently made the observation that girls sit and boys stand to go potty.  So, the other day she asked me if boys stand to go poo poo too.  I don't think she understands why they can't do that.  I'm just thankful that they don't.


Anonymous said...

Oh Chanda, you have me rolling in laughter. My stomach hurts I'm laughing so hard. Of course it's funny to me since our kids are 15 and 10, and we are past most of that, but having a boy, you can only imagine, that whole stinking up somebody elses space, boys never outgrow that, they generally do it and laugh about as they get older. In fact Kerry has implemented what she calls "The Fart Jar" and if anyone makes a noise (you know what noise I'm talking about) that they shouldn't make in the kitchen or eating area, then they have to put money in the jar. Forthe most part this is working. Maybe you could put a "Stink Jar" in your bathroom! LOL

Chanda said...

I cannot imagine what it would be like to potty train a boy. I don't think the "training" is ever completed. Tee hee! I would have never imagined you guys had a "The Fart Jar." Too funny! Just wondering, what happens to all the money in the jar?