Thursday, December 11, 2008

Santa's Coming!

There is no greater joy than experiencing the excitement of Santa Claus through the eyes of a child. It's magical! This year, will be one of the best years ever. The awe and wonder of a mere Santa sighting, the Advent calendar counting down the days, messages from Santa, the preparation of milk and cookies for his arrival, the magical key, the phone call from Santa on Christmas Eve, and the anticipation of gifts under the tree... it's all for preparation for Christmas morning. We're counting down the days until Christmas... just twelve more to go.

While I'm busy preparing for Christmas, Alyssa is preparing for Santa. The other day, she started hiding her toys. "Santa's coming!" she exclaimed. Then, she put her new Elmo in her closet and told us that she doesn't want Santa to take him. That's right! She's afraid that when Santa leaves new toys he's going to take some of her old ones with him. She knows Santa won't go in her room while she's sleeping, so she started hiding her favorite toys in her closet. She's be busy getting ready for Santa's arrival, but in a way that was totally unexpected. I took Elmo out of the closet last night and she told me to put him back or Santa will take him. It cracks me up!

These are the joys and memories of the holidays that last a lifetime.

1 comment:

Sam- Hypnotoad said...

Yes, how cute is this. She told me yesterday that she wants to gather some other toys to hide around the house on the night he comes in. Too precious!