Monday, December 8, 2008

Mommy's Little Helper

One of the things I love about Christmas is all the baking! Lots of yummy treats to give away and to eat. Alyssa has been my little helper this year. We've been having lots of fun making all kinds of goodies. Her favorite part... SPRINKLES!!! We've made chocolate dipped pretzels with sprinkles, rice krispy treats with sprinkles, sugar cookies with sprinkles. In fact, we had so many sprinkles one night that we had to vacuum them up off the kitchen floor. Daddy wasn't too happy to see green and red sprinkles in the tile grout, but we cleaned them all up.

We had a blast making sugar cookies. Alyssa had fun rolling out her own dough with her little rolling pin while I rolled out mine. However, big balls of dough kept finding their way into her mouth. She thought it was funny to steal the dough while I wasn't looking. She is pretty sneaky! Between eating dough and licking sprinkles off her hands, I think we ended up washing hands that night about 15 times. I tried explaining that we don't lick our hands while we're baking cookies to give away. Every time I caught her, I sent her back to the bathroom to wash them again. I knew she was having a good time, so I just had fun with it.

She really enjoyed making marshmallow snowmen. She put two big marshmallows on a lollipop stick, we dipped them in melted white chocolate together, then she put the mini chocolate chips on them for eyes, mouth, and buttons. They turned out really cute and they taste great!

We're looking forward to building our gingerbread house this weekend!

1 comment:

Sam- Hypnotoad said...

This is such a great time for you guys to have fun in the kitchen. I love the smells and tastes of the awesome food you guys make. You are creating a master baker at such a young age. She just loves hanging out with you in the kitchen... You are a amazing!