Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sniff...Sniff... I Smell Something!

I had planned on making cookies with Alyssa tonight, but time got away from us.  She had her bath and wanted to play with daddy on the computer.  While they were occupied, I decided to make chocolate chip cookies.  I whipped up a batch and put them in the oven.  When Alyssa was done with Daddy, she was walked into the living room and said, “Mommy, what you makin’ for dinner?”  I said it was nothing and tried to turn her around towards her room to get ready for bed.  She stopped and started sniffing.  She then said, “I smell something!” and started walking towards the kitchen.  I tried to divert her, but she kept sniffing and was looking around the oven.  When she saw the tray of cookies she said, “Those are cookies!”  I started cracking up laughing.  I joked that she was like the pokey little puppy who could smell when mommy was making something good for dessert.  I told her they were a surprise and that she could have one tomorrow after school.  She bought it and went in her room to get ready for bed. 

We finished our bedtime routine and she asked to snuggle with Daddy.  Daddy went in and said good night and Alyssa said, “I’m mad!”  He asked her what she was mad about and she said, “I’m just mad!”  He asked again why she was so mad and she said, “I am mad that Mommy made cookies and I can still smell them.”


Sam- Hypnotoad said...

This was a very cute moment. She already can detect the amazing smells and aromas that will come out of that kitchen for many years...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the story was super cute. She is growing up so fast!!