Friday, September 5, 2008

Life's a Bowl of Sketti

Dora the Explorer is great for teaching counting, colors, shapes, and even learning Spanish.  However, it’s the silly things that kids remember and mimic.  The first thing Alyssa learned was how to swipe things like Swiper the Fox and take off running.  She now says, “You’re not going to get your now.  Hee, hee, hee.” 

Recently, she started singing nursery rhymes with the wrong lyrics.  The singing bridge in the Dora Pirate Adventure is broken, so the kids have to help pick which songs are correct.  The wrong versions are so silly that these are the versions she now remembers and prefers to sing.

Twinkle, twinkle little star

How I wonder what you

Want for breakfast…

Old McDonald had a farm


And, on the farm he had some pants

Oye, Oye, Oye

Row, row, row your boat

Gently down the stream

Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily

Life’s a bowl of sketti (spaghetti)

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