Thursday, November 20, 2008

Little Monkey Lost Her Grip

My little monkey was swinging around, and having lots of fun on the playground.  She followed another girl and went too far, she lost her grip on the monkey bars.  Poor little thing lost her grip and fell face first in the wood chips.  She got a lot of scratches from her eyebrow to her chin, and her little cheek was pretty swollen.  When I saw her I couldn't believe my eyes, she looked at me and started to cry.  It's her first big owie and I'm sure more will come, but it's never going to be easy for her mom.  It's healing good and she's doing much better, I'm so happy we're not doing a Christmas family picture.

1 comment:

Sam- Hypnotoad said...

Just wait until we get her out on the Arizona trails or when she is in soccer in a few months! LOL!