Saturday, January 3, 2009

Screaming & Running

You would think that we'd start the New Year off with a good blog, but today I've reached a peak level of frustration.  Alyssa has started screaming.  If she can't button a shirt or get her pants snapped, she screams.  If something gets stuck somewhere, she screams.  If she can't figure out something, she screams.  I understand that she's screaming out of frustration.  I'm sure there's many times where we'd all just like to scream.  However, I remember before she could talk when she'd move from one thing to another if she couldn't figure something out.   I know she's trying to be independent and do things by herself without mommy and daddy helping.   I just don't understand why she doesn't ask for help when she gets in a bind.  I know this too will pass and I'm trying hard to be patient, but it's been a struggle.

On top of that, she now thinks it's funny to run away and be chased.  She laughs and giggles as she's running off shouting, "No, Mommy!"  This is not acceptable, especially in a shopping mall, parking lot, or anywhere else she could get lost or injured.  The other day, she took off running towards the escalator.  I feel like a crazy woman chasing her out-of-control kid.  I'm so embarrassed.  I don't know where in the world this came from, why it started, or if it's even normal for children this age.  The only thing I can be certain of is that it's coming to an end very quickly.

I can look back and remember times before I was a parent when I'd see children kicking and screaming as their parents were pulling them by the arm.  I remember thinking to myself, "Can't they control their kids?"  I now look at this situations from a new perspective.  If you have children, you're probably laughing and thankful that you're beyond these years.  If you don't have children, try to be considerate of what the parents are going through rather than critical.  As for me, I'd just like to take off screaming and running.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought the same thing about other people's kids before we had Nate. Now I know better and I get annoyed with people who make smart mouth comments when Nate acts up in public. A friend told me after they turn 2 they start going through a transition time. I'm with you on the running away thing. That's one thing we crack down on too b/c we don't want Nate thinking it's ok to run into the street or a parking lot. He's been resisting holding my hand in those places but I know if I don't, it's too tempting for him to run off or snatched by some I deal with the crying fits knowing my goal is to keep him safe. They constantly keep us on our toes!